Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Poga Moonga Juice, is just another exotic supplement? NOT!

I’m tired of seeing and hearing about all those claims most of the juice supplements make about making you healthy. People fall for these things because their exotic, newly discovered juice supplements. They don’t really know the truth about how detrimental they really are to your health. Have they been tested with evidence proving their benefits? NO! Have they any proof that their concoction is truly healthy for you? NO! Or is it all just another empty promise of good natural health?

I have talked with many people using every juice supplement on the market and more people were unhappy with the results than were happy. Why, well because if your health is in bad shape, you’ll be happy taking them because antioxidants are good for you, so the people with bad health will see results. But this could be said for almost any product they take. If it’s healthy and natural they will see results. But most people don’t really see any real health benefits if they are pretty healthy to begin with and are unhappy with those products.

Anything natural is great for your body because it matches your body chemistry and is easily absorbed into your body but no matter what it is, even antioxidants, too much of anything, even natural, can be very damaging to your health. What people don’t understand is that all most all of those juice supplements are very, very acidic. Even though you may benefit from the antioxidants, the over acidity will harm you more. It will give your body an unbalanced PH, which can do the opposite of what you took the stuff for in the first place.

Here is an alarming article, from a doctor, who cured himself of multiple sclerosis. He tried all of those fruity antioxidant supplements and says they are very harm full to your body.

Once you know the truth, and your aware of how bad those fruit supplements can really be for your health, then it’s time to look at a true whole food supplement. A supplement that contains 3 all natural supplements combined into one amazing product. One of the supplements is pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice has 3 times the antioxidants of red wine and is great for you but not an overdose of antioxidants. Antioxidants are important for thinning your blood, preventing build up of plaque in your arteries which both help prevent heart disease, strokes and heart attacks.

The other two supplements have been used for centuries, with endless tests and results. They are aloe vera and moringa. Between these two you get all your amino acids. Aloe has 20 and moringa, is the only plant that contains the 8 “essential amino acids”. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. They build new cells and repair and rebuild muscle tissue. Moringa is so nutritious; it is given to pregnant women and children in 3 rd world countries to fight malnutrition. It is also a great detoxifier. Aloe has many great benefits but the 2 most effective are it ability to interact and enhance other drugs with no side affects and it build your immune system and has disease preventative properties. So when your ready to try the most effective, natural, whole food supplement on the market today just go to and be amazed at what healthy really feels like.
Edward Burke

Sunday, April 13, 2008

PogaMoonga, Moringa Oleifera and all Moringa species!

There are 13 species of Moringa, that fall into 3 separate categories depending on geography and life form. The “bottle tree” has massive water storing trunk and small symmetrical spoke like flowers. From Madagascar come the drouhardii and hildebrandtii. From Namibia comes the ovaliffolia and from Kenya comes the stenopetala, which are all bottle tree species.

The second category of Moringa are the “slender trees”. These trees are in a tube shaped and in the juvenile stage, which produce tan to a pink two sided symmetrical flowers. From India come the oncanensis and the oleifera. Peregrina comes from the Red Sea area.

The third category of moringa is the “tree shrubs and herbs of Northeast Africa”. There are eight Moringa species found in northeast Africa in many forms. span the whole range of life form variation found in Moringa. All but peregrina are native only to northeast Africa. These species are tube likes adults or juveniles maturing to adults. They are very colorful, two sided, identical flowers.

These species are as follows; arborea form NE Kenya; borziana from Kenya and Somalia; longituba from Kenya; Ethiopia and Somalia; pygmaea from N. Somalia; rivae from Kenya and Ethiopia and ruspoliana from Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia.

Though there are 13 different species of Moringa, moringa oleifera is the one chosen for the main ingredients of Poga Moonga because of their medicinal properties. The leaves are used in remedies for tumors and the seed for abdominal tumors. Leaves applied as a save to sores, rubbed on the temples to relieve headaches, and said to have purgative properties. Leaves are bitter and are taken to promote digestion. From the leaves and seeds also supply your body with the “8 essential amino acids” needed to build new cells and repair and build new muscle.

Per 100 grams, the Moringa Leaf amino acids include; 6 grams of arginine, 2.1 grams of histidine, 4.3 grams of lysine, 1.9 grams of tryptophane, 6.4 grams of phenylalanine, 2 grams of methionine, 4.9 grams of threonine, 9.3 grams of lucine, 6.3 grams of isoleucine, and 7.1 grams of valine. You can’t find a plant source containing these amounts of essential amino acids you need.