Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Poga Moonga Juice, is just another exotic supplement? NOT!

I’m tired of seeing and hearing about all those claims most of the juice supplements make about making you healthy. People fall for these things because their exotic, newly discovered juice supplements. They don’t really know the truth about how detrimental they really are to your health. Have they been tested with evidence proving their benefits? NO! Have they any proof that their concoction is truly healthy for you? NO! Or is it all just another empty promise of good natural health?

I have talked with many people using every juice supplement on the market and more people were unhappy with the results than were happy. Why, well because if your health is in bad shape, you’ll be happy taking them because antioxidants are good for you, so the people with bad health will see results. But this could be said for almost any product they take. If it’s healthy and natural they will see results. But most people don’t really see any real health benefits if they are pretty healthy to begin with and are unhappy with those products.

Anything natural is great for your body because it matches your body chemistry and is easily absorbed into your body but no matter what it is, even antioxidants, too much of anything, even natural, can be very damaging to your health. What people don’t understand is that all most all of those juice supplements are very, very acidic. Even though you may benefit from the antioxidants, the over acidity will harm you more. It will give your body an unbalanced PH, which can do the opposite of what you took the stuff for in the first place.

Here is an alarming article, from a doctor, who cured himself of multiple sclerosis. He tried all of those fruity antioxidant supplements and says they are very harm full to your body.

Once you know the truth, and your aware of how bad those fruit supplements can really be for your health, then it’s time to look at a true whole food supplement. A supplement that contains 3 all natural supplements combined into one amazing product. One of the supplements is pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice has 3 times the antioxidants of red wine and is great for you but not an overdose of antioxidants. Antioxidants are important for thinning your blood, preventing build up of plaque in your arteries which both help prevent heart disease, strokes and heart attacks.

The other two supplements have been used for centuries, with endless tests and results. They are aloe vera and moringa. Between these two you get all your amino acids. Aloe has 20 and moringa, is the only plant that contains the 8 “essential amino acids”. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. They build new cells and repair and rebuild muscle tissue. Moringa is so nutritious; it is given to pregnant women and children in 3 rd world countries to fight malnutrition. It is also a great detoxifier. Aloe has many great benefits but the 2 most effective are it ability to interact and enhance other drugs with no side affects and it build your immune system and has disease preventative properties. So when your ready to try the most effective, natural, whole food supplement on the market today just go to and be amazed at what healthy really feels like.
Edward Burke

Sunday, April 13, 2008

PogaMoonga, Moringa Oleifera and all Moringa species!

There are 13 species of Moringa, that fall into 3 separate categories depending on geography and life form. The “bottle tree” has massive water storing trunk and small symmetrical spoke like flowers. From Madagascar come the drouhardii and hildebrandtii. From Namibia comes the ovaliffolia and from Kenya comes the stenopetala, which are all bottle tree species.

The second category of Moringa are the “slender trees”. These trees are in a tube shaped and in the juvenile stage, which produce tan to a pink two sided symmetrical flowers. From India come the oncanensis and the oleifera. Peregrina comes from the Red Sea area.

The third category of moringa is the “tree shrubs and herbs of Northeast Africa”. There are eight Moringa species found in northeast Africa in many forms. span the whole range of life form variation found in Moringa. All but peregrina are native only to northeast Africa. These species are tube likes adults or juveniles maturing to adults. They are very colorful, two sided, identical flowers.

These species are as follows; arborea form NE Kenya; borziana from Kenya and Somalia; longituba from Kenya; Ethiopia and Somalia; pygmaea from N. Somalia; rivae from Kenya and Ethiopia and ruspoliana from Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia.

Though there are 13 different species of Moringa, moringa oleifera is the one chosen for the main ingredients of Poga Moonga because of their medicinal properties. The leaves are used in remedies for tumors and the seed for abdominal tumors. Leaves applied as a save to sores, rubbed on the temples to relieve headaches, and said to have purgative properties. Leaves are bitter and are taken to promote digestion. From the leaves and seeds also supply your body with the “8 essential amino acids” needed to build new cells and repair and build new muscle.

Per 100 grams, the Moringa Leaf amino acids include; 6 grams of arginine, 2.1 grams of histidine, 4.3 grams of lysine, 1.9 grams of tryptophane, 6.4 grams of phenylalanine, 2 grams of methionine, 4.9 grams of threonine, 9.3 grams of lucine, 6.3 grams of isoleucine, and 7.1 grams of valine. You can’t find a plant source containing these amounts of essential amino acids you need.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

PogaMoonga health benefit stories!

Every natural product makes claims to how much it really helped people. The truth is, if any of these other natural health supplement products were as good as they claim, they would have testimonials from they’re friends and family because that’s who you would give it to first because you care about them and you would want them to be healthier too.
Here are just a few recommendations from people I have introduced poga moonga to. These are NOT, just anybody making claims about how good the poga moonga juice is but these are my friends and family, people I care about. Of course my story is first.

Unbelievable stuff!

I am a 52-year-old construction worker. Two years ago, I fell off a roof about 15 feet high. I pulled the ball out of my hip socket, cut the ball right in half and fractured 4 vertebras in my lower back. Needless to say I was laid up for 6 months waiting for the bone to heal. When I returned to work, I felt sluggish and run down. I couldn’t seem to handle the heat and humidity like I did before the accident. I felt like I would pass out so by 10:30 in the morning I was sitting in my truck with the AC blowing on me. I was overdosing on caffeine and energy drinks, which I was taking just to have energy. I wasn’t sleeping well; I was always tired and irritable.

I starting trying some natural products to help me. None of them really helped because I was still taking energy drinks until I found poga moonga. It changed my health in 2 weeks. I was sleeping better, had natural sustained energy all day and felt better than I had in years. Now, after 7 months, I always make sure I have it on hand. It was the first natural supplement I tried that actually improved my health unlike all the other fruity exotic juices I tried. It taste like V8 juice and I only need to take 2 ounces every morning. I love everything about this product and recommend it to every one I know.

Edward Burke Jr.

Poga Moonga Juice
really helped my IBS

For 4 years I have been suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Nothing the doctors gave me really relieved the pain and nausea. Then I visited my nephew and he had me try Poga Moonga juice. Amazingly after only 3 days I could eat normal food and even drink coffee without discomfort. I now have been taking it for 3 months and am still benefiting from it.

I just have a 1 ½ oz. shot every morning before I have breakfast. The aloe Vera and moringa have given me relief, I thought I would never have. It is easy to take and doesn’t taste bad, sort of like vegetable juice. I buy 2 bottles every month from my nephew, which makes sure I don’t run out between orders. If you have any digestive problems I would recommend you try it. If it is so effective on a serious problem such as IBS I’m sure it will be great for other stomach problems.

Fran Burke

Even my doctor was surprised!

About one year ago I started have sharp pains in my arm. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with Chicken Pox. He said I was lucky I caught it in time being that I am 70 years old. The doctor said the chicken pox were always in my body but only surfaced because my immune system was low. He told me it could take 6 months to a year for the pain to go away. For 2 months I couldn’t sleep more than 2 hours at a time because the pain would wake me.
Then my son told me I should try this new stuff he was taking. He said it would help fight the chicken pox and build me immune system, so I tried it. I didn’t like the taste so I mixed 1 ½ oz. with my orange juice and took it every morning. To my surprise, within 3 weeks the pain was greatly reduced and I didn’t feel as run down. My arthritis pain also seemed better and I had more mobility than I did before.

I’m not sure if all this is due to using poga moonga juice but I know it sure didn’t make things worst. My son makes sure I always have a couple bottles, so I don’t run out. I take it every morning, religiously and don’t plan to stop. Even my doctor was surprised at how much sooner my symptoms were getting better than he had originally told me. I’m really glad my son made me try it.

Doris Burke

I was skeptical at first

I have been tasking it for about 2 months after my boyfriend told me I should try it. I am amazed at just how much healthier I feel. It's helped my cholesterol, acid reflux (all gone); it's even helped my asthma (I haven't used my allergy pills in about 3 weeks). Not to mention I sleep better and have energy like I did 10 years ago. I would highly recommend trying it and will be buying it regularly. It tastes a little like prune juice and vegetable drink but you can mix it with any fruit juice if you don't like the taste.
Evelyn Diaz

I guess the proof is in the pudding. All I know is I have never seen one product have such a positive affect on so many people with so many different ailments. The combination of Aloe Vera, Pomegranate and especially the Moringa make a natural health supplement, I would gladly recommend to anyone looking to get healthy again.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Lies about those exotic,fruit juice supplements and pogamoonga!

The Lies about those exotic,fruit juice supplements and pogamoonga!

Let’s all cut out the bull about mona v, aciia, nonii or any other exotic fruity supplement being good for you. They are nothing but and overload of antioxidants from juices. Antioxidants are good for you but too much of anything is bad for you. If you know some one taking one of these “exotic fruit supplements” ask them to do a PH test. You can buy PH testers; you just stick it in your mouth. Then they will know the truth.

The truth is all of these products are highly acidic and can do more damage to you body than good. Sure some people feel better or have energy and they probably do because they’re in such sad shape that almost anything natural will give them some kind of affect. They don’t realize how bad it is for your body when your PH is out of whack. Taking highly acidic products can damage your digestive and nervous system.

I dare anyone, to try the supplement I take for one month and if they don’t feel 100 % better and I mean healthier than they have in years, compared to the “junk”, they take now, and I’ll buy whatever they have left back from them. See if any of those other so-called supplement will buy back they’re product if your not satisfied, they won’t. And it doesn’t cost $160.00 a month like most of those other supplements.

It’s amazing how every couple months they discover a new ”super exotic supplement” from a berry they just discovered in the foothills of the Himalayans, what a joke. Do you really think there are things on this planet we haven’t discovered yet? And how smart is it to be a guinea pig for these companies, you might just as well keep taking the crap the drug company gives you. None of these have been tested to see if they really live up too all they’re promises or if one leg will fall off in 10 years.

It doesn’t take many brain cells to realize, if your going to take anything, even natural stuff, it should have been used for a long time and tested with results of the effects of the product. We are so used to being lab rats for the drug companies that these “natural supplement” companies don’t care if they’re product does more damage than good to your body because by the time all the stats are in they will have already made they’re money.

So if your tired of all the empty promises of these over priced juices and you want to try a REAL supplement, that has been used for centuries and tested. One that can TRULY change your health for the better and was made for one purpose. The purpose was to make, without a question of a doubt, the most nutritious and healthiest supplement on the market today. No newly discovered exotic fruit but something real.

This product is a blend of 3 amazing products. The first product is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera has been used for centuries and provides immune system building and disease fighting properties unlike any other natural product. It is also an amazing product for treating any kind of digestive problems. Then they added Pomegranate. This is where you get your antioxidants but not an overload of them. Antioxidants, in moderation, are great for thinning your blood and stopping the build up of plaque in your arteries, which both aid in reducing the chances of getting heart attacks and strokes.

But the most amazing product is Moringa. Moringa is the only plant in the world that has the “essential amino acids” your body doesn’t make. It is so amazing they use it to detoxify drinking water in 3rd world countries. In fact, Moringa has replaced the standard nourishment products, many charitable programs have been using for years in many 3rd world African countries. It is given to young mothers, pregnant woman and children in because it is so nutritious. Moringa is recorded in the oldest written medical book of India, the “Ayurveda” for being used to treat over 300 diseases. It is truly an amazing product.

You see I’ve tried most of these other supplements and personally I thought they were a waste. Like most other people I wanted to find a natural alternative to pharmacutical drugs, to make me healthy, always thinking maybe it will be the next one that delivers everything I was looking for and low and behold, I found it.

I challenge anyone taking any of these so-called juice supplements, to try it for one month. If they don’t think it’s the best product they have ever taken and I mean, EVER. If they don’t think the stuff they take now can’t hold a candle to this one and it can’t, I will buy back any product they have left. That’s right, I’m so confident you will be amazed with this product, I will guarantee you love it or I’ll buy what ever you have left. Just like all the other exotic juice supplement companies, OH, sorry, forgot, non of those companies will refund your money if your not 100 % completely satisfied.

Here’s the deal. Buy 1 case (4 bottles) and take 2 ounces every morning if you’re a man and 1 ½ oz if you’re a woman. Take it for 26 days. That’s 2 bottles. If your not sending me another recommendation about how amazing this product is I will buy the 2 remaining bottles back from you. No Questions asked. But when you decide to keep taking it and you will. I will give you a free web site, where you can get it at a 30% savings over retail. It will only cost you a third of what those other fruit supplements charge, for the best natural supplement you’ll ever take.

Your probably asking yourself what the catch is. Why would I pay for your web site and let me get it at my cost and not make any profit? Well. There is none. I’m not trying to sell you an exotic, overpriced juice, so I can make all my profit from the first case you buy because most people will not come back to reorder it. I know you be back to order it once you try it. This is the difference between a “newly discovered, fruity, exotic supplement” that promises you everything but doesn’t deliver and a REAL, tested, proven product that’s been around forever.

You see they won’t make much money on return sales, just initial sales because they don’t have a product that backs up their claims. Just a flashy, new, exotic bottle of crap. So what do you have to loose, except really being healthier. Poga Moonga Juice “Its Just Your health"

Friday, February 22, 2008

Poga Moonga Juice, Am I dreaming?

Poga Moonga Juice, Am I dreaming?

We all want to be healthy but eating right and getting the proper exercise is sometimes difficult because of our busy daily schedules. So many people look for supplements to help keep them healthy. All you need to do is watch TV for an hour and you’ll see a commercial for everything about your health. If you feel run down, try the new 4-hour energy drink! If you’re worried about catching the “bug” or a cold, they have commercials for that. Try the new “?”, stop the cold before you get it! Let’s be realistic, these quick fix gimmicks don’t really work. The fact is the only real way to get the energy you need, naturally, is to take a product like Moringa. Moringa is so amazing it will give you endless, natural energy all day, not just for a couple hours and there’s never any crashing, like normal energy drinks.

Then there’s the stuff they try to sell you promising to stop colds before you get them. The only way to stop a cold or a bug is to make sure your immune system is strong and you have all the natural antibiotics you need. This is what Aloe Vera does for you. It keeps your immune system strong and supplies you with antibiotics, naturally. When your immune system is low, it is easier to catch everything going around and even getting illnesses from things you already have in your body. My mother is 71 years old. She woke up one day with tremendous pain in her arm. She went to the doctor only to find out she had chicken pox. Can you believe a person can still get chicken pox, in this day and age? The doctor told her it has been in her body for years but only came out and affected her because her immune system was low. You can carry many things in your body but as long as your immune system is strong it won’t affect you and the older you get the weaker your immune system gets. That’s why elderly people have a hard time recovering from any illness. So, it is very important to keep your immune system strong.

After coming back from my vacation last week, one of the guys’s showed up for work coughing and sniffling. He had been sick all weekend. He had the latest bug going around. You know how that works. You get sick, and then you share it with everyone you come in contact with. The first thing you think is “stay away from me” I don’t want what you have. But, it never fails; you know your going to get it too. Then you’ll go home and get everyone else sick. But for the first time since I can remember, I didn’t catch it. I worked all week with him and still never got sick. Then I realized I have been taking Poga Moonga Juice for about 3 months now and the aloe vera has built my immune system up and was keeping it strong, that’s why I didn’t get sick. No new miracle pill being sold by the drug company, no flu shot, just good old aloe vera.

Remember when you were 20 years old and you never got sick. You could party all night and go to work the next day. Well, the older you get the more it changes for the worst. I’m 52 now and I know if I stayed up all night drinking and partying I would be pretty useless for a couple days. I know I would wake up in the morning after 2 hours sleep and feel like I was run over by a small truck. There would be no way I was going to work. I also noticed every year it seems I catch more colds, the flu and any bug going around. I also noticed I feel more run down, have less energy. But, now, only 3 months after taking Poga Moonga Juice, I feel healthier than I have in a long time. I sleep better, feel rested when I wake, am not as moody (just ask my wife), don’t catch every bug that comes around and have endless natural energy, all day long. All I know is there won’t be a day I don’t get my 3 oz fix in the morning. I don’t want this new healthy, feeling to ever go away. ”It’s Just Your Health”

Monday, February 4, 2008

Who else is “sick and tired, of being sick and tired”?

I remember how healthy I was when I was younger. I was strong, never got sick, could stay up all night and work the next day. But the older you get the more you realize it’s was all down hill from them days. Sure you want to believe things haven’t changed but realistically you know, you can’t stay up all night and work the next day. You have aches and pains you never had when you were younger. And you know it’s time to get the flu shot or you’ll probably caught that cold going around at work.

So, you try almost anything, to be healthier because you know things can only get worst with age. So you try to eat right, and get some exercise like your doctor recommends but it’s hard to follow that diet because you just lover those cookies and it’s hard to get to the gym every day because something always happens to prevent you from going. You feel like you don’t have the energy you use to have, you don’t sleep as well as you use to and now you have problems with your stomach and old age is just setting in. When you think about it, it’s really funny that we come into this world with no teeth, wearing a diaper, can ‘t even hold your head up by yourself and being pushed around in a stroller and then, 80 years later, we are the same.

You realize that the older you get the harder it is to recover from anything. You know this from your own experiences and seeing older people having to deal with it. I know an elderly woman who died because she feel and broke her hip and I also remember when I was 20 years old, I broke my ankle and got a cast and was back to work 2 days later. Here is my own personal experience. I am 52 years old and have been in construction for 25 years. I have lived in south Florida for the last 12 years. Winters are nice but summers are killer with very high humidity and temperatures. I always stayed in good shape and got plenty of exercise. I have broken a lot of bones over the years but always recovered quickly. Then 3 years ago, 2 days before Christmas, I was doing a roof and feel off. It was about 17 fell to the ground. Now I have fallen from that high before but never really got hurt bad, you know sprained ankles and stuff. But this time was different.

I knew the second time I tried to get up and couldn’t something was very wrong. I had ripped the ball out of my hip socket, fractured 4 vertebra in my lower back, chipped the socket in my hip and cut the ball in half. Yes, I actually cut the 3-inch ball where my leg connects to my hip right in half. The doctor considered my age and what shape I was in and decided to screw the ball back together instead of a hip replacement. It took 6 months for that bone to heal. He said I wouldn’t be able to do construction again and would have to find another job. Fast forward, 6 months later. After only 2 weeks of rehab I was walking again. Against my doctors wishes I went back to my job. You see I could not find another job that would replace the kind of money I made, so I had no choice.

But something was different. I could not deal with the heat and humidity like I did before the accident. I felt run down, always tired and didn’t sleep well. I started drinking energy drinks every morning along with coffee but by 10:30 I was sitting in my truck with the AC blowing on my face. I needed to find something to get back the feeling I had before the accident. So I tried every kind of natural stuff I could find because I never did like taking pharmaceutical drugs. I tried most of the stuff on the market today. Noni juice, Goji Juice, you name it but none of them helped. The finally I found something that amazes me too this day. I sleep better, I fell energized when I wake up and have unlimited natural energy all day. Now the heat and humidity doesn’t bother me, like it did before the accident.

I was so amazed with this stuff I gave it to most people I know and my family. I figured it could help them if helped me. Needless to say they all take it daily and it has helped them with many different ailments they suffered from. One takes it for controlling his cholesterol and high pressure. Another because it helps relieve the pain she has from her arthritis, another person takes it for his acid reflux and my aunt takes for her IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which is the only thing that has helped her in 4 years. I have never seen one product positively affect the health of so many people. And they thank me every time I see them, what more could you ask for, than being able to help people you care about be healthier. All I can say id try it, and see for yourself. What do you have to loose but better health. You can always go back to your prescriptions you get from your doctor. But what if, what if, it is something that can truly change your health for the better. Poga Moonga Juice “Its Just Your Health”

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Poga Moonga Juice and Acid Reflux, Heartburn and IBS!

I personally have been suffering with acid reflux for years. I was always eating ant acids, like they were candy. I had to watch what I ate because I knew it would not be long after, that the good old acid reflux would be there. I hadn’t eaten any spicy food like chili because it was spicy and that aggravated it. I love pasta but the sauce didn’t love me, heartburn and acid reflux, on the way. Then there was any citrus fruit. I loved oranges but they would really aggravate my stomach. Then like most people I always had that morning coffee which aggravated it also. Then after some research I found out it’s all about the acid in your stomach and when sphincter allows the acid to back up into your esophagus this causes heart burn and when it happen frequently it causes acid reflux. So really acid reflux is just chronic heartburn.

So tired of eating ant acids all the time I looked for a natural remedy. I tried many different things but I didn’t have true success until I tried Poga Moonga Juice. After only 3 days no more heart burn, no more acid reflux, I was totally amazed. I can now eat pasta, oranges and even spicy food, like chili, not to mention the 2 cups of coffee I have every morning doesn’t bother my stomach any more. Then, in November of last year my parents, aunt and uncle came to visit m for my birthday. I live in south Florida and they live in New Jersey. They had never been to Florida before. Three week before they were suppose to arrive, my mom called me and told me my dad was having his pills sent to my house so he would have them for the 2 weeks they were here.

“No problem”, I said, I will be looking for them and let you know when they arrive. Finally, they were here and the following morning, we all sat down in the kitchen and had coffee and breakfast. Then my dad ask for his medication he had sent, he needed to take one, so I got it for him. I ask him what he was taking it for and he replied my stomach problems, you know acid reflux. He said that they seem to help sometimes and it cost about $6.00 a pill. After what Poga Moonga Juice did for my stomach, I convinced him to just try it. To his amazement, after only 2 days he didn’t need to take those pills and today, 2 months later, he still doesn’t need those pills.

He told me he has had orange juice and pasta for the first time in years, without suffering. But the most amazing results, I have seen was my aunt. The first morning were all sitting having coffee and all she had was water and dry toast. She said she couldn’t eat or drink a lot of things because she has IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). She had some kind of operation 4 years ago and ever since then she has been suffering with IBS. She said, it seemed every month her doctor would put her on a different drug but none of them were really helping. So, I figured, why not what does she have to loose. I convinced her to try Poga Moonga Juice too. Within 4 days, she was drinking coffee and eating regular meals. She didn’t know what to say, after suffering for so many years. And to this day she makes sure she gets her 2-ounce shot every morning.

I had read the research on Poga Moonga Juice and about how it was one of the best natural products available for any digestive problems. They said the combination of Aloe Vera and Moringa were an amazing combination for any stomach problems. But was even more amazing is that it also contained pomegranate juice. It is not just another exotic sugary, fruit drink but a true “whole food supplement”. We already know the amazing benefits of Aloe Vera. It provides 8 out of 13 recognized vitamins. It has 20 of the 22 amino acids our body needs. It has unbelievable antibiotic and immune building properties. But the most amazing ingredient are its phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are plant chemicals that have no nutritional value but contain protective and disease preventive properties. The phytochemicals in aloe are polysaccharides (a complex carbohydrate), enzymes (a protien that catalyzes chemical reactions), organic acids (an organic acidic compound) and various resins. These are the great aloe vera health properties that cannot be found in other plants.

Then, the pomegranate, which is a great source of antioxidants. The pomegranate has 3 times the antioxidants found in red wine. Antioxidants help thin your blood, prevent plaque build up in your arteries, which help in the prevention of heat attacks and strokes. But the Moringa, is the most amazing product on the planet. It is the only plant that contains the 8 “essential amino acids” your body needs but does not make. It has an abundance of vitamins, nutrients and minerals. It’s so amazing that it is given to pregnant women, new mothers and babies, in 3rd world countries to provide then with all the nourishment they need to be healthy. They also use it to detoxify their drinking and cooking water. WOW, just think how great of a body detoxifier it is. It is recorded in one of the first books of medicine, from India, as being used to treat over 300 illnesses. And energy, you can’t find a better source of natural, sustained energy, no more energy drinks for me!

All I know, is that I have never seen anything help so many people and truly change their health and there won’t be one day, I won’t forget to get my 2 ounce shot. And the best part is it cost less then the energy drink I use to take everyday. Poga Moonga Juice, “it’s Just Your Health”

Friday, February 1, 2008

Asthma and Poga Moonga Juice

There are many people who suffer with asthma. A shortness of breath, gasping for air, the wheezing and other symptoms can be very scary. It’s hard to imagine how scary it feels if you don’t actually suffer from it. I have seen how debilitating asthma can be. My fiancée has been suffering with severe asthma for many years. And on op of the asthma she has to deal with allergies. She couldn’t be around any dogs or cats without sneezing and her eyes getting puffy. Many times this would aggravate her asthma. She has a small “puffer”, just like primatine mist, which you can buy in the drug store but prescription strength, which we had to make sure she never ran out of. It seemed every half hour she would take a puff.

For the last couple years, it seemed we had it under control. No major problems. But in February of 2007, she was rushed to the hospital. She was there for 5 days while they monitored her. She was in pretty bad shape, wheezing and coughing and having to use the nuebulizer every 15 minutes. After 5 days she was sent home but this time with a nebulizer like they had in the hospital. You plug it in the wall and a little motor turned the drops to a mist for her to breath. It was weeks before she could actually leave the house without her nebulizer. Over the next several weeks she got a little better each day. Until she was back using her little puffer again.

Thinks were getting much better, then 3 months after she got out of the hospital she was admitted again. Again she was in for 5 days. The doctor couldn’t tell me, if something had triggered her asthma again or why, it seemed to go down hill again after just a couple months. Again it was a replay of what had happened. She was sent home and she started over again. It seemed every thing the doctor gave her and told her were not helping.
Was this be a glimpse of what we would be dealing with every couple months?

So I started doing research about any natural way she could help relieve the severity of her asthma. While doing research, I remembered, that the supplement I have been taking for 3 months had research saying it helped people with respiratory problems including asthma. I had been taking it for my cholesterol, high blood pressure and acid reflux and I had experienced amazing results using it. It was natural and I knew it would be ok for her to try it even while taking the prescription drugs she was taking. So I convinced her to just try it for a couple weeks and see how she felt.

To our amazement, after just 5 weeks of taking it many of her symptoms were greatly reduced or gone. She didn’t need to use her puffer every hour. She wasn’t popping her prescription and allergy pills like candy like she had been. I’m not saying it cured her bad allergy and asthma but it defiantly improved the severity of it. Now. 4 months later, she barely ever takes any allergy pills and doesn’t take any prescription drugs. She has put her nebulizer away in the back of the closet and her little puffer, well. She has one but she’s not sure where it is. Before it was like a whistle on a police officer, it never left her side.

The prescription pills, the allergy pills, the puffers and the drops for the nebulae added up to a nice chunk of money every month, that we now do not spend. But most importantly is the fact that she has never felt this good about her breathing problems she has always has to deal with. Of course she has had some flare ups, but minor ones and nothing like the ones she use to have which put her in the hospital. And I have learned some thing. Our body is the most amazing thing on the planet. It can fix anything wrong with it as long as you give it what it needs to do it and without turning to pharmaceutical drugs. I guess the combination of the Moringa, which has been used for centuries for treating hundreds of illnesses and disease and the aloe vera, which has unbelievable immune building and antibacterial properties have had a very positive effect on her breathing problems.

I would recommend anyone suffering with the same problems to just try something like this product. Just being healthier is the only thing that’s important other than family. If you can improve your health, your doctor visits will reduce, your dependence on drugs will be less and spending time in the hospital will be less, all of which will help you live longer and healthier. Poga Moonga Juice, “Its Just Your Health”

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ayurveda , Moringa and Poga Moonga Juice!

Ayurveda provides both preventative and curative measures towards optimal physical, spiritual and mental well-being. The word "Ayurveda" is from the ancient Indian language and means "Knowledge of Life". Inherent in Ayurvedic principles is the concept that you are capable of taking charge of your own life and healing. One of the ingredients used in the writings of the Ayurveda is Moringa, which is the main ingredient of Poga Moonga Juice. Moringa is recorded in the Ayurveda for being used to treat over 300 diseases.

More than simply medical care, Ayurveda offers a philosophy whereby one may live a long, healthy life and prevent unnecessary suffering.. Ayurveda is known as the “mother of all medical systems”. Ayurveda has undergone continuous development, research and refinement over past 5,000 years. Originally from India, Ayurveda is currently experiencing popularity world-wide. Ayurveda employs the judicious application of exercise therapy, nutritional guidance, herbal medicines, transcendental meditation and many special purification therapies. Preferring to focus on the type of person who has the disease, rather than just understanding the type of disease the person has. According to Ayurveda, you can achieve health through daily routine.
Ayurveda and the 3 doshas

In Ayurveda, different people with the same disease sometimes receive different herbal and diet plans by taking into account each person's constitution and the imbalance. With Ayurveda, beneficial daily habits are different for each person, because each person is a unique combination of the 3 fundamental biological principles, which are called "doshas": Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Everybody has all 3 energies - although people experience each of them to a lesser or greater degree.

A Vata's frame is usually low and thin and thin in weight with prominent bones and joints. They have thin, dryand rough skin with a tendency for prominent veins and cold to the touch. Vata usually will have curly, coarse, dry hair. Their teeth are usually be large, crooked and protrude. Both their head and eyes will be small, unsteady and quick . Vatas have variable and scanty appetites. They will have trouble gaining weight and be thin. Vatas like salty, sweet and sour foods like pickles, cake and crackers. They find oily foods comforting and benefit from ghee, a form of clarified butter. They will nurse hot drinks to keep them warm. Their bowels are usually dry and hard, dry and prone to constipation. Vatas are hyperactive and can exhaust easily with minds that fantasize. They are extremely artistic, creative with extreme moods of joyfulness and fear, accomplishment and insecurity, and anxious. Vatas are always unpredictable and erratic. They are light sleepers with scanty, interrupted sleep patterns.

Pitta have a medium build, height, and bone structure, with soft, oily skin that's warm to the touch. They burn easily and have fair complexions. Pitta's hair is soft and oily and can bald and gray early. They have yellowish, moderate size teeth with soft gums that bleed easily. Pittas need large meals to be satisfied and have strong appetites but will not snack. They like astringent, sweet, bitter foods, like candy, green salads and bananas. They like cold drinks. They have frequent bowel movements with loose discharges. They must evacuate immediately when they feel the urge. They are moderately active, but with intensely competitive spirits.
They can be aggressive and overly assertive, highly intelligent and organized and with almost photographic memories. They become politicians, doctors, lawyers, teachers - and get angry when not fed on time! They are easily irritated and can be dangerous when jealous, which happens often. They are fanatical about their faith.
Pittas sleep deep and short , with fiery dreams of violence and war. They are good orators, but can be sharp and cutting with their speech.

Kaphas are large, big boned, strong and thick. They don’t stand too tall, but often as the foundation of society. They become heavy by just looking at food and have a tendency to be overweight. Their skin is thick, smooth, cool, oily and pale. Their hair is thick, wavy, oily with strong even white teeth. They seldom get a cavity. Kaphas eat slowly and have small appetites and eat many small meals a day and are the big snackers of society. They like pungent, bitter, and astringent foods like spicy dishes and green salads. But Kaphas especially like dry, crispy things. They rarely drink, and have one heavy and full bowel movement daily. They are not very active and must study repeatedly to understand, but will never forget once they learn. Therefore they often prefer repetitious jobs where little innovation is necessary. Kapha people in general are reliable, steady and slow. They are extremely compassionate, patient, loving and patient, often becoming the clergy of different religions and social workers. They have highly developed spiritual feelings a deep and a steady faith. They sleep long and deep and often dreaming of romantic settings by lakes and rivers. They speak in a monotonous voice.

It is important to remember that we all are a combination of the 3 doshas. In Ayurveda, once you understand your body type or dosha, you can structure a diet for yourself which will really work to make you feel totally harmonized and balanced. You can also design an exercise plan which will benefit your dosha.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Poga Moonga Juice, The “Whole Food Supplement”

Poga Moonga Juice, What a weird name for such a great natural, whole food supplement! Let me tell you how they came up with the name. First it is made up letters from the 3 ingredients it has. The “Po” in Poga comes from the pomegranate, which is one of the ingredients. The “ga” in poga comes from an amazing tree that most people have not heard of. It’s called the Moringa tree, which is the second ingredient in poga moonga juice. So now we have “po” and “ga” which gives you the first name. The second name “moonga”, well this is just another name for moringa in India where the tree has been used and grown for thousands of years. So there you have it “Poga Moonga”.

Pomegranate and Moringa together are a powerhouse supplement but they didn’t stop there. They also added a third ingredient, Aloe Vera, to make it a whole food supplement, unmatched on the market today Lets talk about the three key ingredients and why combined together, make it an unbeatable supplement. First, and foremost, you must realize, that Poga Moonga is just not another, fruity, exotic, sugary juice, like the one that have been coming out on the market in the last several years. It is NOT, a newly discovered berry hidden in the Himalayans and just discovered. The ingredients, even if you haven’t heard of them, have been used medicinally for thousands of years.

Lets start with pomegranate. Pomegranate contains a super-antioxidant, which is three times more potent than the antioxidant found in red wine. Antioxidants are coming into their own as of late because they are being found to help lower and maintain high blood pressure and cholesterol. They stop “plaque” build up in the arteries and thin the blood. Both of which are great at reducing the chances of getting strokes and heart attacks. The more research is done, the more amazing benefits are being discovered about antioxidants. We agree, that antioxidants are good for you but how much do you really need? Many of the natural fruit supplements available today are just an overdose of antioxidants. Antioxidants are necessary, but they do not make a complete supplement.

Then there’s Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera has 8 of the recognized 13 vitamins. It contains 20 of the 22 amino acids your body needs for life. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. They repair and build new muscle and make new cells. If your looking for something to cure any digestive problems you have, look no further. But the most amazing properties in aloe vera are it’s ability to build your immune system and fight off diseases. It also helps amplify the effects of any vitamin or supplement you take making it three times easier to be absorbed by the body, than without aloe vera. This is what sets aloe vera apart from any other product. Aloe vera has been used for centuries internally and externally for treating an endless list of illnesses.

And last but certainly not least important is Moringa. Moringa is so nutritious, that is given to pregnant women, new mothers and babies in 3rd world countries. It supplies them with all the nutrition they need to fight malnutrition. They have abandoned the old treatments of milk powder, vegetable oil, sugar and peanut butter, which have been used for years to treat malnutrition. And replaced it with Moringa. Moringa is so amazing they even use it to detoxify their drinking water. Just think how good of a body detoxifier it is. Moringa contains the 8 ”essential amino acids” your body needs but does not produce. It is the only plant that contains them. Moringa has such an over abundance of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, you would be hard pressed to find anything that can compare. Western medicine knows little about Moringa but ask anyone from India and they will rave of its power. It has been used for centuries to treat over 300 diseases, as written in India’s ancient medical tradition of “Ayurveda” .

Combined together, pomegranate, aloe vera and moringa form a “whole food supplement: un like anything available on the market today. Finally something that really works! Poga Moonga Juice. Its Just Your health”

Friday, January 25, 2008

Veta-Vita—Vegamin, the magic elixir or is it really Poga Moonga Juice?

Veta-Vita—Vegamin, the magic elixir or is it really Poga Moonga Juice?

Do you need feel like you just don’t have the energy you use to? Do you have to have those 4 or 5 cups of coffee or those energy drinks, every morning, just to get your day started? Do you feel like every time a flu or virus comes around you caught it? Do you sleep as well as you use to? Do you have to watch what you eat and drink because you have stomach problems you didn’t have when you were younger?

Well, if you answered, “yes” to most of these problems, your not alone. These are just signs of getting older. Remember when you were young? You could eat anything, the spicier the better, you had an “iron stomach”. You never got sick; you were “healthy as a horse”. You would make older people tired just seeing how much energy you had and you after only a 2-hour “power nap” you still had plenty of energy the next day.

You can compare your body to a new car. When you first a new car it runs, great. Just turn the key and it starts right and runs “like a clock”. It has all kinds of power and you know no matter how hard you run it, it will still run good. Then it gets older. Now, you have to turn that key a little longer to get it started. And it runs, but a little rougher, not like when it was new. Last week it needed a brake job and you know that any time something else might break down.

So you get regular oil changes, tune ups and do minor repairs to maintain your car, to make it last longer. You know the better you take care of it the longer it will last. You know the oil, they use for your oil change, is made for your car. You know when they do a tune-up it will only help improve the way your car runs.

You wouldn’t use vegetable oil for an oil change or parts for a riding mower to do a tune-up on your car and you certainly wouldn’t put paint thinner in your gas tank, would you? But you will use pharmaceutical drugs that do not match your body chemistry. Because your body is so amazing it can take un-natural drugs and still work. But your body must use it’s own vitamins, minerals and nutrients to try to break down these artificial drugs, just to try to get something beneficial from them. And if that weren’t bad enough there is a good chance of having some kind of side effects as a result of taking the drugs.

Taking artificial drugs, prescribed to you by your doctors, sold to you by the drug companies is like using paint thinner in your gas tank with a little water added to make it worst. That is exactly what the drug company wants. They want your car to always need repairs and never run right. They want your car in the shop as much as possible for repairs. They don’t want you healthy! It’s not good for their business or their stockholders if you are healthy.

The problem is breaking the cycle. From birth we learn, you get sick you go to the doctor and get medicine. The FDA and your doctors will tell you eat healthy and get exercise and you will be healthy. It’s all a bunch of crap. Every product you buy to eat healthy is not healthy. There’s HGH in the meats, heck there’s even pesticides in the vegetables we eat, that just don’t wash off. That’s why there’s such a big push towards organic fruits and vegetables because there much healthier than regular produce from your grocery store but usually cost twice as much and most peoples budget don’t allow them to buy organic. And have you priced any meat that is just “corn feed” or doesn’t include all the additive the normal meat products have? It’s just as pricey as the organic products. So what’s the answer? What if I told you there was a “whole food supplement” that will supply you with everything your body needs, naturally.

All the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, amino acids, antioxidants, immune building and antibiotic properties your body needs to be healthy. All you would need to do is eat sensibly and get some exercise. No expensive organic products or corn feed beef. Just get some exercise and don’t eat everything in site and you will be healthy. Do you think if you were healthier, you would get sick less, Yes! Do you think you would have fewer ailments than you would normally have? Yes! Do you think you would go to the doctor less and depend less on pharmaceutical drugs? Yes!

Do you think you would save money form fewer doctors visits and fewer prescriptions? Yes! Do you think the FDA, the drug companies and the doctors will be happy to see you healthy? No! Well, maybe your doctor if he truly cares about you. You want a real eye opener. Just go visit your grand parents and have a look in their medicine cabinet. They have been taking most of that crap forever and will probably take it until they die. That’s how much the drug companies care about you.

They care enough to make you a lab rat until you die.
Is this what you want your grandchildren to see when they come visit and look in YOUR medicine cabinet? Or do you have enough courage to break the cycle and try something that could truly change your health for the better and put control of your health in to the hands of someone who really cares about your health-YOU?

What have you got to loose, except being healthy. Besides if you don’t think it’s the most amazing product you have ever tried you can always go back to the drug company, they’re always glad to see their customers come back.
Poga Moonga Juice “It’s Just Your Health”

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Healthy is, what healthy does!

Last year my parents, aunt and uncle came to visit me for my birthday. Every morning they saw me take a 3 oz. shot of something with my coffee. Finally, they ask, what it was. I told them it’s a natural supplement that has been helping me with my cholesterol, high blood pressure and stomach problems. Then I found out my dad had acid reflux, my aunt had IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and my mom had arthritis. So I offered them to try it for a couple days, knowing how much it has helped me. To all their amazement, in 2 days my dad stopped taking his, $6.00 a pill prescription for his acid reflux. Three weeks later my mom said her arthritis felt a lot better and she had less pain. But the most amazing result was my aunt, who, after only 4 days of trying it, for the first time in 4 years, could eat a normal meal, without the pain and discomfort of IBS she was suffering from.

I was just as amazed as they were that one natural supplement had such positive effects on so many different ailments, in so many people. After a lot of research, I found that the combination of pomegranate and moringa (which I have never heard of before), were great for high blood pressure, cholesterol and arthritis. And the aloe vera was great for most digestive problems. From my research I found that the antioxidants from the pomegranate; the phytochemicals ( Phytochemicals are plant chemicals that have no nutritional value but contain protective and disease preventive properties) of aloe vera and the amino aids, vitamins and healing properties of moringa, seem to make quite an amazing supplement.

Now 3 months later, my doctor is still amazed at my cholesterol and high blood pressure and my slight stomach problems are gone, my father doesn’t buy his $6.00 a pill medicine for his acid reflux, my mom has less pain and more movement with her arthritis and my aunt doesn’t suffer from the burning and discomfort of IBS. It helped me but I wasn’t sure it would help. So I figured, I’ll just get them to try it and see what happens. What do they have to loose? But what if, what if it can help them. What’s more important than family and health? And being able to help your family with their health, it can’t get any better than that. Poga Moonga Juice, “It’ Just Your Health”

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Poga Moonga Juice, the only TRUE, whole food supplement!

Poga Moonga Juice, the only TRUE, whole food supplement!

Poga Moonga Juice is just another overpriced, sugary, watered down, juice supplement! NOT! If you look at all the so-called natural supplements that have been coming out over the last 5 years, you’ll see just that. Sure some are good sources of antioxidants, which are very important to good health but none of them are a complete whole food supplement. What is the difference between a supplement and a whole food supplement? Well, supplements, are just that, a product to help boost specific areas, where you might be lacking things, that effect your over all health.

For instance, lets say, you feel run down and lack energy; a good vitamin supplement would be great. What if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, a good antioxidant like pomegranate juice, would be a great supplement for that. What if you have stomach problems like acid reflux, Aloe Vera is a great supplement for any digestive problems and also at keeping your immune system strong. You can even purchase a good amino acid supplement which will help repair and build muscle tissue along with creating new cells which are the building blocks of life. These are all great natural supplements, geared towards one part of your total health needs.

Then there’s a whole food supplements, which are great because they contain everything your body needs to be healthy. There aren’t many real whole food supplements available. In a whole food supplement you get all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, immune system building, antibiotics and more your body needs to truly be healthy. There’s no guessing what you need, how much of what you need to take because everything you need is in one supplement.

Now you can go out and buy an amino acid supplement, an antioxidant supplement, a vitamin supplement, an immune system building and antibacterial supplement, a vitamin supplement or whatever combination you might think you need. But wouldn’t it be much easier to just purchase one supplement, a whole food, natural supplement that will provide you with every thing you need to stay healthy? Well there is one that I have personally tried and have been amazed with. Not to mention most of my family and friends are using it and they are amazed also. And everyone is using it for different ailments. It’s simply amazing.

I use it for my stomach problems, sleep and energy. My friend is using it to control his cholesterol and high blood pressure. My dad is using it for acid reflux. My fiancée is using it for her asthma. My mom is using it for her arthritis and my aunt is using it for her IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). We are all using it because it has truly changed what was ailing us for the better. My friend’s doctor can’t believe his cholesterol and blood pressure are this low. My dad isn’t taking pills that cost $6.00 each for his acid reflux. My fiancée isn’t using the neubulizer she was using for her asthma (she was hospitalized 2 times last year for it). My aunt has been suffering with IBS for 4 years, till now and there won’t be a morning, unless I’m dead that I will miss my 3 oz. shot.

I have never seen one product, truly help so many people with so many different ailments. All I know if it is helping other people with things that aren’t even wrong with me, I can only imagine how healthy I will be form using this product. If you use supplements now, that’s great but once your truly amazed by the power of a true, natural, whole food supplement, any other supplement won’t be able to compare. All you need to do is try it for yourself, for 30 days, and see what healthy truly feels like.

What do you have to loose but being healthy and if it’s not all I say it is, you can always go back to your supplement you take now. But if it is, you like the other people I have introduced this to, will not be able to thank me enough. Together we can break the “drug company rat till you die” syndrome and take back control of our health, now and in the future. Poga Moonga Juice, It’s just your health”.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Poga Moonga Juice, the new cure all supplement?

Poga moonga is as unbelievable as anything I have ever seen or personally tried and I have tried almost everything I could get my hands on. Suffering from high blood pressure myself and after years of taking prescription drugs and looking for a real answer to high blood pressure, I realized natural would be the only true remedy. In only 4 weeks my dependence on pharmaceutical drugs to control my high blood pressure had finally come to an end. Not only that but every aspect of my life seemed better. I was sleeping better, I was less moody, my stomach problems, even though they were small, were gone and I had natural energy, like I’ve never felt before. No more “energy drinks” every morning just to make it through the day at work. Poga Moonga has truly changed my life for the better and there will never be a morning, I don’t have my 2 oz. shot.

So when you find something that helps you, you want to share it with people you care about because you know it will help them too. So I told my boss he had to try this because I knew he had worst problems with high blood pressure than I did. He has been suffering from high blood pressure his whole life and has also tried everything to control it himself. Amazingly, he had his medication reduced to the lowest dosage by his doctor after taking Poga Moonga for 1 month. The first week he was taking it his doctor emailed me and ask me questions about Poga Moonga. What’s in it and how many times a day does he take it? Concerned about his patient I emailed him all the information about Poga moonga. I wrote it contains a blend of Moringa, pomegranate juice and aloe vera and that he only needs to take about 2 oz. every morning. He’s still taking it and his doctor has not got back in touch with me. I know once he knew there was moringa and pomegranate juice in it that, it would help regulate and reduce his high blood pressure. And because it was natural there would be no adverse side effects like he was experiencing from the prescription drugs for his high blood pressure.
Then my parents, aunt and uncle came to visit me for 2 weeks for my birthday. My father,70 years old, had his pills delivered to my house so he would have them when he got to my house. He was taking them for stomach problems because he drinks a lot of coffee but like most people he would not stop drinking coffee, he would just take the pills to curb the heart burn and upset stomach he always gets. He didn’t eat many things because his stomach would get worst. I told him he needs to take aloe vera, which would help any digestive problems he has. Skeptical, like most people I got him to try Poga Moonga.

Amazingly after just 2 days of taking it he said his heartburn and stomach problems were better than they have been for years, so every morning he got up he would take his 2 oz. shot of Poga Moonga and didn’t need to take his pills, which I found out cost $6.00 each and he gets them from Canada because there cheaper there. Not only did he keep drinking too much coffee but we all went on a 4 day cruise and he ate so much food, because that’s what you do when you go on a cruise. One day he didn’t take Poga Moonga in the morning and complained about his stomach and took his prescription . This was the proof he needed and as soon as we got back to my house he ordered a case sent to his house.

But the most dramatic and amazing benefit I have seen yet was my aunt. She had been at my house for one week and only ate crackers and drank water. She has irritable bowel syndrome on top of some other digestive problems and wasn’t sure weather she would be able to go on the cruise. She would feel sick and have burning in her stomach, so I convinced her to try Poga Moonga, I told her the aloe would be good for her digestive system. Unbelievably, 2 days later she was eating regular food ,drinking coffee and without the pain and burning. She was totally amazed that the symptoms she had been suffering from for years and never seemed to get better from the medication the doctor had been giving her were gone. She even had a few alcoholic drinks one night and still didn’t have any stomach problems.

I told her not to forget to take it every morning and she said there was no way she would forget to take something that has given her the relief she had from Poga Moonga. She said she can’t wait to get back home so she can call her doctor and tell him she found something that really helped her unlike all the different medications he had prescribed her and was going to ask him why, if he’s a doctor, didn’t he tell her to take a natural product with aloe vera in it. I told her the drug companies can’t make money from natural products and the doctors only prescribe what the drug companies sell. I have never in all my years seen one product help so many people suffering with many different ailments. But one thing I do know, there will never be anything that will keep me from getting my 2 oz. fix of Poga Moonga every day, for the rest of my life.

If we are what we eat, I want to be Poga Moonga Juice!

If we are what we eat, I want to be Poga Moonga!

It only makes sense if we eat junk and unhealthy foods we will probably be unhealthy and if we eat good and natural foods we will be healthy. Sure the amount of what you eat combined with some exercise is the best way to stay fit but with every ones busy lifestyle it takes a lot of dedication, time and effort to eat well and exercise. It is just to easy after a long tiring, busy day to order pizza or stop for a quick burger and fries. And doing this every once in a while is ok but it must be a small part of your overall diet.

Then there’s the “eating” healthy part. If you look at the FDA’s recommendation for fruits and vegetables for one day, you will realize that it’s very hard to eat that many fruits and vegetables every day because we have a life and don’t have the time to just sit around and eat all day. So many people turn to supplements, to try to get every thing they need to be healthy. But because there are so many and types of supplements on the market today, it’s hard to figure out what you need to take according to what your body needs.

First thing we must agree on is the supplement must be natural. If you or anyone you know thinks “synthetic or pharmaceutical” supplements are even worth taking, just ask yourself one question? Have you noticed any difference in the way you felt before you started taking them compared o how you feel after years of taking them? Are they giving your body what it needs to be as healthy as it can be? I personally have tried countless un-natural supplements only to be disappointed with their results. Ok, so natural is the way to go but how do you know what to take and how much of it?

There are many great natural supplements around today but they all are good for one area of your health. You have some that are good at building your immune system, you have some that provide you with antioxidants, there are some that provide all the vitamins and minerals you need and there are some that supply important supplements like “amino acids”. I have tried many of these products with great results but how many different products should I be taking at one time, in what amounts and are they as good or less effective if I combine them with anther product. So finally, after some researching what you really need to be healthy, it seems you need all of the ingredients contained in many of the products available today.

But I don’t want to take 3 or 4 different products every day until I find the right combination for my body, so what’s the answer. Poga Moonga! Finally, a supplement that covers all the bases. It contains aloe vera, which builds you immune system, has 20 of the 22 amino acids and 8 of the 13 recommended vitamins. The aloe is mixed with pomegranate juice, which contains a super-antioxidant, 3 times more powerful than the antioxidants in tomatoes or red wine. The aloe and pomegranate juice are mixed with moringa, an amazing supplement which contains the 8 “essential amino acids” your body doesn’t make. You see amino acids are the building blocks of life. They build and repair muscle and build new cells. And your body only makes 14 out of the 22 amino acids your body needs. These amino acids affect every aspect of your life.

Your body needs to replenish these amino acids for good health, and the only way to get the 8 essential amino acids you need is through food or moringa, the only plant that contains all 8 essential amino acids. Not to mention, moringa has been used for centuries to treat and cure hundreds of diseases and illnesses. Moringa, pomegranate and aloe, all together in one amazing supplement. No guessing, no taking 3,4 or 5 products, just a 2 oz shot every morning is all you need to keep your body healthy. A real “supplement”, which can truly affect your overall heath. The only side effect will be the drug companies lack to control they will have on your life and your health. It’s time to take control of your health today and in the future and not live the rest of your life as a drug company lab rat.

Poga Moonga Juice, the drug companies worst nightmare!

When I was young I spent a lot of time with my grandmother. She was the greatest and I remember how devastated I was the day she passed away. She was always taking pills and being curious, like most kids are I would ask her what why she ate so much candy and could I have some. She would look at me and say” no, honey, theses are not candy, these are medicine to help me get better. With every passing month it seemed as if the pills she was taking, given to her by the doctor, were making her sicker and not better. So watching her health get worst and worst, I couldn’t help but wonder, why would the doctor, who is suppose to be helping her get better give her stuff that seemed to make her worst?

I think this was the first of many reasons, that made me come to the conclusion that, I trust doctors about as far as I can throw one. Then, as I got older, I realized it wasn’t the doctor. I realized, doctors genuinely want to help people get better. They go to school, learn what hey teach them and then try to help people. The problem is what they teach them. They are taught to sell what the drug companies make. They don’t teach them how to cure anything. They teach them here is a symptom and here is “our drug” you prescribe for that symptom. They teach them there is only one solution for any illness, they’re drugs. The drug companies own the FDA, they fund many schools to keep making doctors to sell they’re crap. They supply the doctors with incentives when they go into practice. They have created the perfect business. We will control all the schools and government agencies, teach the doctors and make the product they sell, because everyone gets sick.

It’s amazing people die and have died from illnesses, that never use to exist. Cancer, just like most of other deadly diseases, have not been around that long. In the old days before drug companies, before we evolved into a “meat based diet”, there wasn’t cancer. Before we evolved into the sick people we are now, we were on a “plant based diet”. You see, on a plant based diet our bodies got the essential minerals and vitamins our body needed. The HGH (human growth hormone), the preservatives, the extra ingredients they put in to make us eat more and get fatter, that is put into all our meat products and have for years are the cause of all our diseases.

The cattle companies, the chicken companies, the FDA and the drug companies don’t care about our health; they care about money that’s all. It’s quite an elaborate business they have going. First you have the processed meat industry putting in crap that will make you sick and buy more. Then the drug company, who can’t make one drug without side effects or can really help or cure anything. Then you have the FDA, who would never approve anything that isn’t made by the drug company. The circle of life, were born, they poison us with there food, they get us hooked on crap that never helps or cures anything and we die taking the drug companies crap. What a life.

So trying to break the” lab rat” cycle because that’s what we are, just life long drug company lab rats. I looked for something, anything that could put the control of my health, in my hands because I probably wouldn’t try to kill myself slowly like the drug companies. So I tried every natural product I could get my hands on. Natural products are chemically matched to our body unlike the unnatural crap the drug companies make. Our body can absorb the ingredients from natural products, unlike pharmaceutical crap. And I don’t know about you but I kind of enjoy no side effects. I tried many natural products and all of them were more beneficial than anything the drug company can offer. The liquid form is always the best because it’s the natural state, not like pills or capsules. The products were great, this one was great for antioxidants, which with more research are a very important part of good health. There were some that would build your immune system, which helps keep you healthy. There were some that had great healing powers for many illnesses.

All of these were great for your health but I wanted something that had all of what these different products had to offer. After years of searching, I finally found it. A natural supplement that had everything your body needs to be healthy, all in one product. Antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, immune building ingredients and the best all around healing ingredient available. I have felt the amazing results, so I shared it with people I care about because I want to help them too. It has helped them all with all kinds of ailments from high blood pressure, cholesterol, to feeling run down, to acid reflux and even IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). It’s help sleep, Rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, anxiety, asthma and even erectile dysfunction. And this was just for the people I know.

I have had there doctors contact me and ask what they are taking, what are the ingredients and how much and often do they take it. All I can say is there still taking it and still amazed at the results and I haven’t heard back from there doctors, who I know checked it out and found out what they were taking could do nothing but improve they’re health. It’s called “Poga Moonga Juice” and to sum it up, all I can say is, I still am amazed, along with everyone I have introduced this to, at the all around healthy feeling I now have, since I stated taking this product and I would love to be one of many who can tell the drug companies to take a long jump off a short pier. And what about you? How important is you health and the health of people you care about? Let’s all break the lifetime drug company lab rat syndrome and truly take control of your health. Just try Poga Moonga Juice and truly change you life for the better, besides it’s only your health. Thanks, Edward Burke

Poga Moonga Juice is the only supplement your body needs!

We all know how important it is to get the proper nutrition to help maintain a healthy body. And as busy as everyone’s life is, it’s hard to get everything you need that you can get from eating the right foods. So we turn to synthetic supplements to keep healthy. The problem is supplements that are synthetic are not combatable to your body chemistry. Your body uses it’s own vitamins and minerals to try to break down synthetic supplements to try to extract the artificial vitamins and minerals that you took the vitamin for in the first place.

The problem with artificial supplements is that they can’t be absorbed by your body well enough to gain any benefit from them. So now you’ve taken a synthetic supplement and you are worst off than when you started taking them. Not to mention, that when you get to much of an artificial supplement they may cause very bad side effects. Some side effect from an artificial supplement can cause harmful side effects that you don’t even know you have and cause damage to your body years from now.

If you use a supplement, you should use a natural food vitamin. A natural supplement is absorbed easier by your body because they come from foods which match your body chemistry. There are many good natural supplements on the market today. So how do you know which natural supplement is the right one? All natural supplements are the best kind of vitamin supplement to take. The only difference is the quantity of each ingredient and how your body is able to absorb the supplement. Even a natural supplement can be more or less effective due to how they process the ingredients.

But the most important part of any supplement is the ingredients. Every week someone comes out with another “natural “ supplement that they claim is the best thing ever. There’s this juice and that juice but what if someone put together a supplement that combined 3 natural products into one unbelievable product. Well, some one finally did. Using 3 of the most effective natural products known. Now you can get the best natural free radicals and antioxidants from the pomegranate, the healing and health benefits of the detoxifying moringa tree and the magical healing and health properties of the aloe vera plant all combined into one super drink.

Poga Moonga is the first to combine the best of all three amazing products. So, the time has come to empower yourself and take control of your health. Because when you come right down to it there is nothing more important than your health. It’s time to get your life back and be in control of your future health.

We all know the best recommendation comes from someone who has experienced results from using a product. All I can say is it’s the best supplement I ever tried. Find out what a healthy body really feels like.

The TRUTH about Poga Moonga Juice and the drug companies!

Did you know drug companies are just trying to kill you slowly? Did you know once they get you hooked on their drugs you will be taking them until you die? Did you ever meet an elderly person who didn’t have a medicine cabinet full of drugs, which they can’t even afford to buy? Can you remember ever seeing or hearing about a prescription drug ever really curing anything? Can ever remember a drug company advertisement that didn’t include the list of possible side effects. Have you ever wondered if they are purposely adding “side effects” to get new business, you know job security?

Their advertisements amaze me. Some nice looking person, in a calm setting, talking about their affliction and suddenly it turns into a auction as they tell you about all the possible side effects you may get from taking their drugs. It’s like a magic show. They lull you into an unconscious, mild mood before they tell you the side effects. The truth is their drugs are not a chemical match for our body chemistry. If you look at the DNA of a human body and match it with the DNA of plants and foods we eat, they are almost identical. This is why we can obtain all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and every thing else our body needs from plants and the food we eat.

On the other hand, pharmaceutical drugs of any kind including simple vitamins have to be broken down by your body in order to even try to get any vitamins or minerals that may be useful. Your body will use it’s own vitamins and minerals to break down the artificial vitamins, in order to get the vitamins and minerals, you took the stuff for in the first place but won’t even replace your vitamin and minerals you lost breaking their drugs down. It senseless to take something that has no benefit from taking it. But worst than benefiting from their product is the possibility of being on their drug for the rest of your life. Not to mention the side effects that come free with every drug you purchase.

On the other hand, a natural, supplement of any kind, including vitamins can be easily absorbed by your body and are very beneficial and they do not have side effects. Let’s be serious here for one minute. Drug companies are around for one purpose. To make you a lifetime customer, so they can sell you new drugs and so their stockholders make good profit. Do you really think they want you to be healthy, NO; they would be out of business. And then there’s the FDA. They are like the “pimps” for the drug companies. They will never approve a natural drug of any kind because the drug company won’t be able to make a profit from it. And it’s amazing a entity like the FDA, who are suppose to approve and regulate drugs people take because they are protecting us from taking anything that might harm us.

But every time they tell you “don’t use this, it will cause cancer”, they turn around and 5 years later tell you the complete opposite. So because I don’t want to end up like all the elderly people today, I did a lot of research about natural alternatives. I also tried endless natural supplements and all of them were beneficial, unlike the “multi-vitamin” I was taking for 10 years. You can really feel the difference. You just feel healthier. But what combination, of what products, in what amounts are the best for maintaining a healthy body. After all the research and all the experiments I found that they all had different effects on different areas of overall health. Some would help with energy but not help your sleeping problems while others would help sleeping but lack natural energy. I thought I would never find the right combination that would be a complete supplement. And then I found it. It has improved every aspect of my health from energy, to sleep, to mood, to digestive problems, all in one tasty supplement. Now I’m sure you have heard this about every natural product that has ever been sold and I was a s skeptical as you are until I actually experienced the amazing powers of Pogo Moonga. Finally some has combined 3 amazing ingredients, which are all amazing supplements on their own. It contains everything you need for great health. Pomegranate, for the antioxidants which help cholesterol, strokes and heart attacks, just to name a few. Aloe vera, which has 8 of the 13 recognized vitamins and 20 of the 22 amino acids your body, needs along with ingredients for digestion and you immune system. And if that weren’t enough they added moringa, one of the greatest supplements available, for overall great health. It has been used for centuries to fight over 300 diseases and illness and the list of things it can treat and even cure is so long I would need a couple more pages to write them all down. Just type” moringa” in a search engine and you’ll be amazed.

So if you are looking for something truly amazing and want to take your life back from the drug companies, I would advise everyone to try it for one month. Just take my word for it. You will be amazed at what healthy really feels like and you will think the same thing I did a month later after the first day I started taking it, “finally, for once in my life, something, I found something that can truly put my health and well being in my hands, where it belongs”.

Poga Moonga Juice, It’s just your health!

Like most people, life has very few things that are important to them. People say money, friends but family and health are the two most important things anyone can have. What good is money if your healthy is bad and friends come and go but your family will always be there. So like most people ,I try to take good care of my health by eating good foods and getting exercise. But our ever evolving lifestyle makes it difficult to always get the proper food and exercise we need. Our lives are so busy between work, keeping up the house and the children that there never seems to be enough time to make the proper meals. So we order “take out” or pick up food on the way home more than we really should.

Our routine of going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week has diminished into maybe one time this week, because I’m so busy. We catch colds more often than we use to and we gain a little weight. But life goes on and we keep saying I’m going to eat better and get back to the gym. There’s no escaping exercise. Any doctor will tell you along with eating good you must have some exercise, to stay healthy. But the eating good part is even harder. Look at what the FDA recommends we eat every day. So many fruits and vegetables, no one really eats that many every day. The doctors want you to keep your cholesterol down and make sure your blood pressure is good.

No wonder, there are so many unhealthy people. Did you know the body needs 22 amino acids for life and it only produces 14 and they always need to be replenished. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. They rebuild muscle tissue and make new cells. The 8”essential” amino acids must be absorbed from certain food we eat. Did you know Moringa is the only plant that contains all 8 essential amino acids. Moringa is also used to purify contaminated drinking water in poor countries.

Just think how great of a detoxifer it is for your body. Moringa also contains 7 times the vitamin C of oranges, 4 times the calcium of milk, 4 times the vitamin A of carrots, 2 times the potassium of bananas and 2 times the protein of yogurt. What a great source to get all your essential amino acids and great amounts of natural vitamins.

Did you know that recent research is showing that antioxidants are essential for thinning your blood, maintaining good cholesterol levels, preventing stokes and heat attacks. Antioxidants are found fruits and in pomegranate juice there is a super-antioxidant, which is 3 times more powerful than those found in wine or tomatoes. Pomegranate juice is a great source of antioxidants your body needs.

Did you know that aloe vera contains great ingredients to help build your immune system. It also has great healing qualities and is used to treat almost any kind of digestive problems. It also contains 8 of the 13 recognized vitamins. And on top of that is contains 20 of the 22 amino acids your body needs.

Wouldn’t it be great if there were a natural supplement that contained all three of these amazing products. Well, look no further. Poga Moonga, a proprietary blend of moringa, pomegranate and aloe vera , combined together in a natural, great tasting supplement like no other on the market today. Only a 2 oz. shot, every morning can honestly change your life for the better. Once you try Poga Moonga, you will feel what it healthy really is! And after using this amazing product you will want to share it with people you care about because you will want them to be healthy too. What’s the most important thing too you? Being healthy and family? Poga Moonga, it’s just your health!

The TRUTH about Poga Moonga Juice and the drug companies!

Did you know drug companies are just trying to kill you slowly? Did you know once they get you hooked on their drugs you will be taking them until you die? Did you ever meet an elderly person who didn’t have a medicine cabinet full of drugs, which they can’t even afford to buy? Can you remember ever seeing or hearing about a prescription drug ever really curing anything? Can ever remember a drug company advertisement that didn’t include the list of possible side effects. Have you ever wondered if they are purposely adding “side effects” to get new business, you know job security?

Their advertisements amaze me. Some nice looking person, in a calm setting, talking about their affliction and suddenly it turns into a auction as they tell you about all the possible side effects you may get from taking their drugs. It’s like a magic show. They lull you into an unconscious, mild mood before they tell you the side effects. The truth is their drugs are not a chemical match for our body chemistry. If you look at the DNA of a human body and match it with the DNA of plants and foods we eat, they are almost identical. This is why we can obtain all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and every thing else our body needs from plants and the food we eat.

On the other hand, pharmaceutical drugs of any kind including simple vitamins have to be broken down by your body in order to even try to get any vitamins or minerals that may be useful. Your body will use it’s own vitamins and minerals to break down the artificial vitamins, in order to get the vitamins and minerals, you took the stuff for in the first place but won’t even replace your vitamin and minerals you lost breaking their drugs down. It senseless to take something that has no benefit from taking it. But worst than benefiting from their product is the possibility of being on their drug for the rest of your life. Not to mention the side effects that come free with every drug you purchase.

On the other hand, a natural, supplement of any kind, including vitamins can be easily absorbed by your body and are very beneficial and they do not have side effects. Let’s be serious here for one minute. Drug companies are around for one purpose. To make you a lifetime customer, so they can sell you new drugs and so their stockholders make good profit. Do you really think they want you to be healthy, NO; they would be out of business. And then there’s the FDA. They are like the “pimps” for the drug companies. They will never approve a natural drug of any kind because the drug company won’t be able to make a profit from it. And it’s amazing a entity like the FDA, who are suppose to approve and regulate drugs people take because they are protecting us from taking anything that might harm us.

But every time they tell you “don’t use this, it will cause cancer”, they turn around and 5 years later tell you the complete opposite. So because I don’t want to end up like all the elderly people today, I did a lot of research about natural alternatives. I also tried endless natural supplements and all of them were beneficial, unlike the “multi-vitamin” I was taking for 10 years. You can really feel the difference. You just feel healthier. But what combination, of what products, in what amounts are the best for maintaining a healthy body. After all the research and all the experiments I found that they all had different effects on different areas of overall health. Some would help with energy but not help your sleeping problems while others would help sleeping but lack natural energy. I thought I would never find the right combination that would be a complete supplement. And then I found it. It has improved every aspect of my health from energy, to sleep, to mood, to digestive problems, all in one tasty supplement. Now I’m sure you have heard this about every natural product that has ever been sold and I was a s skeptical as you are until I actually experienced the amazing powers of Pogo Moonga. Finally some has combined 3 amazing ingredients, which are all amazing supplements on their own. It contains everything you need for great health. Pomegranate, for the antioxidants which help cholesterol, strokes and heart attacks, just to name a few. Aloe vera, which has 8 of the 13 recognized vitamins and 20 of the 22 amino acids your body, needs along with ingredients for digestion and you immune system. And if that weren’t enough they added moringa, one of the greatest supplements available, for overall great health. It has been used for centuries to fight over 300 diseases and illness and the list of things it can treat and even cure is so long I would need a couple more pages to write them all down. Just type” moringa” in a search engine and you’ll be amazed.

So if you are looking for something truly amazing and want to take your life back from the drug companies, I would advise everyone to try it for one month. Just take my word for it. You will be amazed at what healthy really feels like and you will think the same thing I did a month later after the first day I started taking it, “finally, for once in my life, something, I found something that can truly put my health and well being in my hands, where it belongs”.

Poga Moonga Juice and Moringa Oleifera: The Miracle Tree

Moringa Oleifera: The Miracle Tree

Wouldn’t it be great if there were a tree that take care of your entire body medicinally, meet all your nutritional needs and even purify your water if need be? Well there is such a tree and it’s called the moringa tree. The benefits of the moringa tree (Moringa oleifera ), has been known for centuries in parts of Africa and Northern India. It is called many different names, such as the horseradish tree, the drumstick tree (because of the drumstick shaped pods), the clarifier tree and in East Africa it’s called “mother’s best friend”. There are hundreds of uses for this tree and every part is used. This tree is cultivated in Africa, the Philippines, South and Central America and India but is only native to the foothills of the Himalayas. This nutritional dynamite is less known in the Western world

The most used part of the Moringa tree are it’s immature pod’s. These very nutritious pods have many of the vitamins and nutrients along with the “essential amino acids”. Mature pods are usually fried and taste like peanuts but the immature pods can be prepared like green beans or eaten raw. The pods also contain a non-drying, edible oil, which is known as Ben Oil. This oil is odorless, sweet and clear. This oil’s nutritional value resembles olive oil. The leaves are use for seasoning and as greens in salad. Leaves are also used for cleaning utensils, scrubbing walls and the young branches are used to feed livestock. The bark yields a course fiber and is also used for tanning. The flowers, which are rich in potassium and calcium are fried in batter or cooked and mixed with other food.

In under-developed countries, nursing mothers and infants use Moringa to fight malnutrition. Moringa is called ”natural nutrition for the tropics” by organizations that help people in these areas. The leaves powdered and dried, will last many months without refrigeration and do not loose their nutritional value or they can be cooked and eaten fresh. It is used widely in the tropical areas because it has all it’s leaves, when food is scarce at the end of the dry season. The leaf has significant quantities of vitamins A, B and C, iron, protein and calcium. According to Optima of Africa, Ltd., a group that has been working with the tree in Tanzania, "25 grams daily of Moringa Leaf Powder will give a child" the following recommended daily allowances:

A child, only taking 25 grams of leaf powder a day, will get the recommended daily allowances of Calcium 125%, Potassium 41%, Protein 42%, Iron 71%Calcium 125%, Magnesium 61%, Vitamin A 272%, and Vitamin C 22%. Gram for gram, Moringa contains,
7 times the vitamin C of oranges, 4 times the vitamin A of carrots, 4 times the calcium of milk, 3 times the potassium of bananas and 2 times the protein of yogurt.

The Moringa tree has been used for treating as well as preventing many disease. India's ancient tradition of ayurveda says the leaves of the Moringa tree prevent 300 diseases. There is not much scientific evidence other than in the area of antibiotic activity due to the lack of research on Moringa. The amazing antibiotic activity has been known for 50 years, although almost completely unknown to western scientists. In1950 an India research team found the ingredient called “pterygospermin” and were also able to demonstrate its mode of antimicrobial action. In 1964 other active compounds tested and along with observational studies provide a very plausible mechanism of action for the centuries of claims of efficacy. Unfortunately, Western medicine uses placebo controlled, randomized clinical trials, which were not used, so they do not support the claims.

Western science does another area of folklore, which is in cancer treatment. Two compounds found in Moringa, were shown to be inhibitors of activation of lymphoblastoid (Burkitt’s lymphoma) cells. One of these compounds also inhibited tumors in mice bred to be prone to tumors.

As far as water purification, the pods, with the oil removed After the oil is extracted from the pods, effectively removed bacteria and solid particles. Since the tree grow very well in, topical 3rd world countries, it is much easier to use the pods for water purification than it would be to use another product they would have to import. If Moringa is this good at purifying water how well do you think it would do at detoxifying your body? The Moringa tree is truly a “miracle” tree offering nutritional and medicinal properties and water purification for 3rd world countries. It has just recently begun being used as a supplement in a juice form and in powdered leaf tablets.